Pets in Fiji are treated differently by foreign owners and local owners. When bringing a dog or cat to Fiji there are a number of hoops you need to jump through. First of all just getting ready to leave the other country has its own requirements. Furthermore pets entering Fiji has its own set of rules.
Pet Options
Bring your own dog or cat to Fiji
We brought our dog from Australia when we moved here. Partially because it made us feel at home and we didn’t want to leave her behind. Also because we had a two-year-old and I wasn’t sure if we could trust another dog not to snap when it was mistreated (however lovingly!). In hindsight, we could have found a lovely dog that wouldn’t snap with two-year-old mis-handling, but she definitely fitted the bill for making us feel at home when we first arrived.
I can’t comment on importing from every country in the world to Fiji. General categories are rabies-free countries like Australia and New Zealand and others like Europe and America. Bio-Security Authority Fiji (commonly known as BAF) is the first stop, but often more than once. Then there is the plethora of customs, customs agents, transportation approved vehicles, animal inspections and the vaccinations required to import an animal to Fiji. Find Your Feet can help you navigate all the paperwork and do the running around for you. We meet your pet as they arrive. We bring copies of all the necessary paperwork and have back-up options if any other third party has not done their part of the process. It is very reassuring for our customers to hear that we have seen their dog or cat and what state the animal was in. Most of all, our customers can relax knowing they have a friend looking after their four-legged-family.
Contact us and we will help everyone find their feet in Fiji!!

Veterinary Services in Fiji
There is currently only 1 vet in private practice in Fiji. Vet Essentials are a “normal” private practice vet. They are located in Lami and their number is 3602153. Elva has established an excellent practice with a variety of services. Most recently they have added a certified dog groomer for those dog owners with dogs who need a haircut!
Our family use Vet Esstentials for sensitive things like fussy dogs or for a home visit. You can be rest assured that the team there will look after your furry family and love them almost as much as you do.

SPCA are located in Walu Bay. Currently there is a vet who you can book in to see. If the matter is urgent then it is considered a “walk-in” and you can pay slightly more for the consultation to be seen on the same day. Otherwise you can book ahead a day or two and pay a reduced rate. All the staff at SPCA work really hard with lots of constraints. Our family have often volunteered, fostered and supplied donations to SPCA over the years.
Adopt a cat or dog in Fiji
There are a few animal organisations in Fiji where you can adopt a cat or dog. In Nadi there is Animals Fiji who have been operating since 2012. Their website is focussed on adoption, sponsoring or volunteering. They are professional and our dog has used their veterinary services, for which they charge. In Suva there is SPCA which has been operating since 1953. They also focus on adoptions, donations and volunteering through their website. Usually there is a resident vet who you can book in to take your animal. After you have adopted from them they can supply you with flea/tick and worming vaccinations appropriate to Fiji. Most recently there is The Greater Good Foundation on the northern coast of Fiji’s main island Viti Levu. As far as I can tell they are adoption, fostering and volunteering only, not used for vet services.
All of these shelters are happy to receive donations of food, blankets, sheets, towels etc. If you can provide any other items or are willing to volunteer then please contact them directly.

Animal-free houses
Even though you may choose to have no pets, that may change! If there is a house with no animal living there, then often you will find a dog or cat has decided to move in! You can either re-home them yourself or adopt them. If you choose to re-home then you can put an ad on Facebook Suva Expats/Suva Living or send an email out to locally based contacts. Our cat is very good at keeping down the gecko population in our house.
Choosing to adopt them can seem like less work, yet , in time it isn’t! They need food, shelter and veterinary care. That is a whole other story!